Fancy an inside look at how our team operates and how a rescue mission takes place…. 🔎
Then tune in to a new TV series on Channel 5 – “Rescue 999: Seconds To Save A Life” which airs on Friday 16th August at 8pm. 🖥
Our team was one of three Scottish MRTs who were chosen by a production company last year to film insights into incidents we attend. 🎥
The incident featured on this week’s episode took place last April on Ben Oss, where a lone walker called for assistance☎️ after finding themselves in extremely steep terrain on hard snow and ice ❄️, with poor visibility, low temperatures🥶 and darkness approaching 🔦🌑.
Footage was captured by our volunteers on body worn cameras to give an insight into the conditions experienced.⛑️
Tune in on Friday to find out more! 😁